Backache Remedy Tonic Soup [腰酸背痛汤]

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Backache Remedy Tonic Soup [腰酸背痛汤]

  • SGD10.00
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Consumption method:  Soup ( Good for 2 servings or 2 persons each ) 

Effect Category Details: Soothing bad pain

Ingredients: 杜仲,巴戟天, 椿根藤, 破故子, 锁阳

How to prepare: 

1. Rinse herbs with water before adding herbs and water to pot ( 600 to 800ml). Boil for 30 mins till simmering

2. Add 200g meat of your choice to pot to boil for 90 minutes till simmering (Optional)

3. Soup is ready

Suggest to prepare the soup as well as the package is opened

For storage, suggest cool dry place away from direct sunlight ( Preferably keep in fridge )         

Gender and Age: Adults

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