Soothe Respiratory System & Mild Detox Soup 宣肺败毒方
- SGD20.00
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Consumption method: Soup ( Good for 2 servings )
Effect Category Details: Respiratory Soohting and Mild Detox
生麻黄6g 苦杏仁15g 生石膏30g
生薏仁30g 茅苍术10g 广藿香15g
青蒿草 12g 马鞭草30g 干芦根30g
葶苈子 15g 化橘红15g 生甘草10g
How to prepare:
1. Rinse herbs with water before adding herbs and water to pot ( 800ml).
2. Boil for 30 mins till simmering.
3. Soup is ready.
Dosage :
2 times per day
Storage :
Suggest to prepare the soup as well as the package is opened
For storage, suggest cool dry place away from direct sunlight ( Preferably keep in fridge )
Gender and Age: Adults
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