Personalized Complete Top Grade Confinement Postnatal package [坐月配套 鼎级良药]
- SGD2,299.00 SGD1,899.00
Save Up to $200, with free delivery and Slow Cooker.
This package is specially curated using most exclusive TCM herbs and aimed to include herbs to save up costs and multiple trips to Tonic shops. It is using 34+2 soup-based herbs, 30 days confinement tea, 30 days mummy bath and 7 days baby bath for recovery, vitalizing and beautifying over 38 day-period.
Your confinement herbal package is
* Personalized for you. We will personalize the standard confinement herbs package according to your needs like whether you are going for natural birth or casearan, want lactation, taste preferences etc.
* Just For you. Dispense evey single herbal packets just for you due to Personalization. We will need around 3 days lead time.
* Packed Fresh only days before shipment.
* Grade A. Using only Grade A herbs as practice by Traditional Medical Hall. Confinement period is a critical recovery period. Same quality we will provide for our own family members.
* Anyone can cook. 3 Steps Simple Cooking of wash, boil and drink. Husband, Nanny and Helper.
* Daily Consumption Packed with soup and tea ( depending on packages ) all together with the day clearly labelled
* Limited Edition as the owners dispensed personally with limited daily capacity. Kindly booked early to avoid disappointment.
For more information on why you need confinement herbal packages or simply which package is suitable for you click here : confinement website
We also understand each mummy is unique and may want special attention to her personal needs in term of herbs requirement. Thus we shall customize* our standard package, if you want with no extra fee. Whatsapp 88095102 or Email
This standard package contains all the essential herbs for your body and curated to provide all the Top-of-Class herbal concoction ; evolved from 2500 years of TCM history ( Traditional Chinese Medicine ). The decoctions are well tested in practise and have been passed down for generations. The quality and quantity are optimized for confinement to reach the intended efficacy.
( 38-day programme )
Package contains all the herbs for you need throughout your confinement period and beyond:
- 38-Day Nourishment Plan with herbs packed according to the daily usage
- 30 days worth of confinement red dates tea
- 36 Top Grade Authentic herbal concoction
- 30 days bath
- 7 days baby bath
- 6 bottles of bird nest drink: Golden Birdnest Manuka Honey Drink (280ml, 1g dry birdnest and Manuka UMF5+)
- Simple cooking guide
Confinement Red Date Tea
- Raw Dangshen
- Red Dates
- Black Dates
- Longan
- Optional, at no extra cost, to further fine tune concoction with 2 more herbs for lactation needs and C-section.
1) Remedy
- 2 x Sheng Hua Soup 生化汤
- 1 x Appetite Support Nourishing Soup 四神汤
- 1 x Si Wu Tang (4 Substance Decoction) 四物補汤
- 1 x Backache Remedy Tonic Soup 補腰背痛
- 1 x Performance Tonic Soup 六味汤
- 30 days supply of Traditional Herbal Bath 大风艾荼包
2) Vitality
- 5 x Qi and Back Tonic Soup 補中益气汤
- 5 x Top Grade Ginseng Cordyceps Soup 泡参虫草汤
- 6 x Ginseng Tonic Soup 人参 党参 大補汤
- 6 x Korea Ginseng Tonic Soup 强身補血高丽汤
- 1 x Hair Nourishment soup 補头发汤
- 1 x Women's Treasures Tonic Soup 上品八珍汤
- 1 x Energising Tonic Soup 十全大補汤
- 1 x Kidney Nourishing soup 補肾補汤
- 1 x Ginseng Tonic Soup 人参 首乌 当归 補汤
- 1 box x Bak Foong Pills 白凤丸
- 30 x Traditional Confinement Herbal Tea 元肉和黒栆 坐月荼
3) Beauty
- 2 x Premium In-House Bird's Nest - total 1 Tael 龙牙 燕窝
- 1 x Beauty Soup, Ginseng Pearl Herbs Soup 美颜 珍珠粉
- 1 x Ginseng Concoction Herbal Soup 长白山人参 首乌 当归
* Personalized to your unique needs
- Consultation with highly experience herbs dispenser
- Customized the herbal concoction combination to your needs and/or medical history
- Personalize the subtle taste preference of the herbal combination
- Mummy has the choice to visit the store, call or whatsapp us for the consultation
Additional Freebies
- Free Slow Cooker ( model subject to availability)
- Free Delivery to your doorstep
- Free service to pack the herbs according to your daily consumption
- Free consultation and personalization of your package ( Optional but Optimal )
No frilled delivery
- Automatic delivery to your door step 3 days before your EDD
- In event of your earlier than expected admission to hospital, we shall deliver accordingly. Simply whatsapp 88095102 : keep us posted and quote your registered mobile/email.
- All herbs are individually packed 1 day before delivery to ensure freshness
- Suggest to prepare the soup as soon as the package is opened